As well as the events taking place for village residents and visitors to attend; there are also a series of celebrations to recognise the anniversary many of which will form part of a long-term legacy of this 50th Year.
- 50th Quiz Trail:
Fancy a pleasant stroll around the centre of the village? Enjoy testing your local knowledge and maybe adding to it? Suitable for both adults and children
Copies of the 50th Quiz Trail are available from Ash Green Sports Centre, New Ash Green Library, Hartley Estates and the VA Office. Alternatively you can download a copy from here by clicking on the link below. When you have completed it, you can check your answers on a reference copy at the Library, Ash Green Sports Centre and Hartley Estates.
- Special Edition of The ARGUS
The ARGUS, New Ash Green’s village magazine which existed from 1968 until 1985 makes a return for a 50th Anniversary Special Edition. Local resident Shaun Fishenden has teamed up with former ARGUS team member Gillian Haynes to revive the magazine. The special edition will take an in-depth look at the history of the village, includes articles from other former ARGUS team members and includes an exclusive reveal!
The Special 50th Anniversary Edition was released on 18 September, for more information on where they were delivered or how to get a copy click on the link below
Click Here to go to our dedicated page about the ARGUS and the 50th special edition.
- Remake of ‘Village on a Hill’:
A new video to celebrate village life to succeed the popular ‘Village on a Hill’ released back in the 1980’s is being produced. It will contain shots of our beautiful village and interviews with residents. A 50th Video Team has been created who will be responsible for producing the video. Filming begun in June 2017 with the intention of the video being released in Spring 2018.
Check back soon for more information on when the video is being released – whilst your waiting why don’t you watch ‘Village on a Hill’ by Clicking Here
- Knitted 50th Mural:
The local Women’s Institute are producing a knitted mural which will be displayed in the Village Hall, the mural will be of all things New Ash Green!
The Mural was unveiled in the Village Hall in Autumn 2017 and is viewable to the public.
- New Kitchen for Village Hall:
The 50th Anniversary has also been celebrated with opening of brand new kitchen facilities in the Village Hall, thanks to local resident Bovis Homes and kitchen supplier Moores.
The new facilities were officially unveiled at a special event attended by members of the local community, as well as representatives of Bovis, Moores and the Village Association. Councillor David Brazier, Chairman of Kent County Council, also attended the unveiling.
The old kitchen, which had been in situ since 1975 no longer met the needs of the many users of the Hall. The new facilities, which have been extended to almost twice the size, include a brand new oven and grill, flooring, sink and utility area.