Personal Covenants
- To pay the Association the annual contribution due from the purchaser in respect of the property within the Village.
- To pay the Society the annual subscription due from a member.
- To keep the premises in good structural repair (including the garden walls and fences shown on the plan marked “A” with a “T” on the inside of the boundary).
- To keep all decorative finishes on the external elevation of the house on the premises and any garage on the estate owned by the purchaser in good order and in particular to renew the paintwork not less than once every four years using colours and materials approved by the Association.
- To keep all windows on the premises regularly cleaned.
- To keep the doors of any garage on the estate used by the purchaser closed except when open for the purposes of access.
- To permit the Society to have reasonable access to the premises and to any such garage as aforesaid to enable it to perform any works undertaken in the Covenants set out in Clause 4.
- To require that any tenant or other occupier who proposes to take possession of the premises enters into direct covenants with the Association and with the Society to guarantee performance and observance of the Covenants set out in Clause 5 during the period of possession by the occupier.
- To require that any transferee of the premises enters into direct Covenants with the Association and with the Society to be bound by the Covenants set out in Clause 5 as if the transferee were the purchaser named in this transfer.
- To remain bound by the Covenants set out in Clause 5 until the direct Covenants specified in the preceding paragraph have been entered into by a transferee of the premises.
Restrictive Covenants
- No part of the premises except the garage shall be let separately from the whole or used otherwise than for the purposes of a private dwelling.
- No sign or advertisement shall be displayed on the premises so as to be visible from outside the premises except that a nameplate not exceeding 4 square inches in size may be displayed at an entrance.
- No alterations shall be made to the external appearance of the house on the premises (including the colour scheme) except with the prior written consent of the Association.
- No alteration shall be made to the garden walls or fences on the premises except with the prior written consent of the Association.
- No building or other structure shall be erected in the curtilage of the premises except with the prior written consent of the Association.
- No exterior aerial shall be erected on the premises and no person shall be permitted to interfere with any television rediffusion equipment on the premises.
- No car, caravan or similar vehicle shall be parked in the curtilage of the premises otherwise than inside a garage or (in the case of a private car not standing higher at any point than 5 feet 6 inches above the ground and not bearing any sign or advertisement) on a driveway leading to a garage.
- Nothing shall be done or omitted to be done on the premises that may interfere with the amenity of other property owners or occupiers on the estate.
This is a typical example. If you need to know what applies to a particular property or neighbourhood, ask the relevant Residents’ Society.