The ARGUS is New Ash Green’s very own Village Magazine, in print from 1968 until 1985 it released a whopping 179 issues. ARGUS reported on local events such as Village Day, on issues relating to the development of the Village including providing coverage of plans by Bovis to build on Northfield and the subsequent inquiry that followed. But most importantly ARGUS gave a platform to residents for them to air their views and hold organisations like the Village Association and Resident Societies to account.

Now in 2017, the ARGUS makes a welcomed comeback to the village as part of the 50th Anniversary and was delighted to receive funding for a special edition (our 180th issue!) from the Village Association as part of a £10,000 grant it received from the Big Lottery Fund towards the celebrations. Village Residents; Shaun Fishenden, Gillian Haynes & Ferri Jahed have teamed up to produce the edition which will be biggest ever at 24 pages and also has the largest print run of 2,500 copies.

The 50th anniversary special edition started being delivered to every household in the village from Monday 18 September 2017 with the majority delivered on the 21 September when it is exactly 50 years to the day that New Ash Green launched.

For people living outside the village or if you want additional copies for friends and family you can pick up a copy from the Village Association office or you if you would like it posted to you please contact the Editor by email at (Postage costs will be applicable – in your email please provide your address and we will get back to you with a cost)

As for the future of the ARGUS, we are delighted with the positive and enthusiastic response we have received during both the production of this special edition and also since its release so who knows? Well the Editor of course! 

ARGUS Editorial Team

Editor: Shaun Fishenden

Production Team: Gillian Haynes & Ferri Jahed